Weekly Assignments

Reading:  Unit 9.2


Big Idea:  




Reading:   Unit  9.1


Big Idea: What does it mean to be patriotic?

Summary: We can show respect for our country in many different ways.

Essential Question: How do you show your respect for the country?



Focus: The words below appear in this week’s reading selection.

anthem - (noun)    a song that is important to a group of people

environment - (noun)   the community around you

exist -  (verb)   to be real or present

honor - (verb)   to show respect to people who are admired or things that are loved

operates - (verb)   functions or behaves in a particular way

patriotism-  (noun)   love that people feel for their country

represent -  (verb)  to stand for something

salute - (verb)   a sign of respect by moving your right hand to your forehead at an angle


Spelling Word List

1. undo         5. disorder     9. dislike

2. unhappy   6. uncap      10. displace

3. unkind      7. unclip 

4. discolor    8. distrust


***Practice blending and reading the words listed below until students can read fluently (without sounding out).



"In teaching others we teach ourselves"  - Proverb